Monday, May 23, 2011

AB Test Session at Foon Audio Garage 29 May 2011, 3pm

Image0934 by harveynorman

We will be conducting a free-and-easy testing of RCA/interconnect cables next sunday, 29 May 2011, 3pm. Foon's Audio Garage has kindly let us conduct the testing at his place.

We have always been asking about the various RCAs and the difference between them. This will be your chance to bring your own RCA cable as a comparison with others or just to test out the characteristics of various RCAs. We have several brands of RCAs on hand for testing.

In addition, we will be introducing the Raion RCA cable for testing and your opinions. This RCA cable is made with UPOCC material. In other words, it's one solid core cable as compared to many strands to make up a run of cable.

As the demo room isn't exactly very big, so its first come first serve!!

Foon's address: 284 MacPherson Road

Can contact Chet (81893848) or Harvey (90291940) if you are going or need further details / clarification!

Here are some of the Cables we tested!

Monster 200 series
The Chord Company
Monster 300 series
Atlas Equator MkII 6N OFC
Kimber Kable Hero
Hisago 7N
XLO Electric

You can read more on the reviews at A/B testing of Raion Cables or Raion RCA Cables

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